Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction: Welcome to EZContact, the business messaging platform that integrates WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. By using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Implementation Time: The implementation of EZContact in your company will be completed within a minimum period of one month from registration.
  3. Use of WhatsApp:
    1. Initiation of Conversations: WhatsApp only allows conversations to be initiated by the customer, unless an approved template is used.
    2. Limitations: The use of WhatsApp through EZContact is subject to certain limits set by WhatsApp, including but not limited to the number of messages that can be sent within a certain period.
    3. Templates: Users must adhere to WhatsApp-approved templates to initiate conversations.
  4. Assignment of New Number:
    1. Initial Provision of New Number: Initially, the EZContact team will be responsible for providing a new number to users. Once this number is operational and functional, the next phase will proceed.
    2. Migration of Existing Number: After the number provided by EZContact is functioning, users will have the option to migrate their current number for an additional cost. To perform this migration, the number must be active and capable of receiving calls and SMS text messages.
  5. Contact Import: Users can import contacts to EZContact using Excel files. This import must comply with applicable data protection laws.
  6. User and Conversation Limits: The use of EZContact is subject to limits in terms of the number of users and active conversations. These limits are communicated during the integration process and may vary depending on the plan contracted.
  7. Changes to Terms and Conditions: EZContact reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Modifications will become effective immediately upon posting on our platform.
  8. Acceptance of Terms: By using EZContact, you indicate your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any of the terms set forth, please refrain from using the platform.
  9. Contact: For any inquiries related to these Terms and Conditions, please contact our support team.

Last Updated: January 16, 2024

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